your better life coach

helping you to discover a better way

Do any of the following sound familiar?


Maybe you woke up this morning and found yourself thinking throughout the day, “How did I get here? My life is okay, but it’s not exactly what I had in mind. My career and my life have just ‘kinda happened,’ but I want to be more in charge of where I go from here.

Or perhaps, you said, “My marriage and my family are good, but somehow I think it could all be so much better. I think we’ve been pretty lucky to be this okay, but I think ‘better’ is possible. I wonder what an actual plan would look like?”

Have you found yourself thinking, “I’ve had this one goal in mind for my life, but time and money and diversions seem to keep getting in the way. I’m not sure why it’s been hard to get there, but I sure could use some help.”

And what if you’re just starting the journey of adulting, and you’re thinking, “I have no clue what to do! I’m not sure about college, work, dating, marriage, let alone a family! This world is crazy as it is! I need help getting some clarity on which way to go, and even what to think about my future.”

Life coaching

What We Will Do Together

First, and foremost, this is your journey.  And you will be doing the heavy lifting.  My job is to join you on your journey.  Ask you the hard questions.  Poke and prod you a little.  For example:  What do you want…really?  And why don’t you already have it?  Now I know that sounds a wee bit snarky, but think about it.  Why don’t you have it?  We’re on this journey together to figure that out and to discover your real pain points–the reasons you’re not moving forward.  And I’ll help you formulate new mindsets on your way to your better self, and your better life.  Sounds like fun to me (and some hard work, honestly).


I’ll ask lots of open-ended, empowering questions which will help you get out of the “stuck space” you’re in.


We’ll do a number of exercises which will help you change the way you think about yourself and your world.


We’ll work on a vision of a new you and a new path forward.

Call to Action

At some point, you’ll be ready to take action.  You’re the driver of that.


Available Packages

I offer three customizable packages with various commitment levels. All sessions are one-hour long and include homework and access to me is available between sessions (email, phone, etc.).


This is a 3-week session designed to press in hard quickly and unlock the things that are holding you back.


This is a 9-week session designed to allow you the time to process things a little more slowly and deeply and see how changes begin to filter into every area of your life.


This is a 6-month agreement designed to look hard and long at how you’re “showing up” now and slowly and methodically transform you into who you were designed to be. 

Meet Your BETTER LIFE Coach


I enjoy my life with Liz, my love of 40 years. We have four adult children and eight grandchildren who always rise to the top of our calendar. They remind us all the time how good life is and to go for the best you can.

Forty years of being a father and husband has taught me a lot about life and a lot about me. And wouldn’t it be nice to say I was wise enough to do some things right the first time? My story is learning nearly everything the hard way, which, for the most part qualifies me to lead, guide, and coach others. My story is my story. And I’ve lived to tell about it. I just know life goes better with a guide.

Forty years in ministry has been another tremendous proving ground and a deep dive into humanity and the struggles we all face—but not only the struggles, the victories as well, the overcoming, the reaching for our best selves and our best lives…and actually getting it. Again, the way there is better with a guide.

I appreciate the Yodas in life, and I appreciate the Miyagis, too! Me? I’m a solid “let’s get after it” Sherpa.

So, if you have something you want or somewhere you want to get in life and can’t figure the way, I can help you get there. What do you say?